TY Belgrave House

Stephen Gore
Fassa Business Development Manager West
Fassa Bortolo, has recently completed work on TY Belgrave House in the popular tourist town of Aberystwyth, Wales.
The 150m2 guest house required a façade facelift, which needed to blend in with the rest of the pastel and nautical themed properties on the Aberystwyth seafront. Alongside this, it was also essential to keep the signature white profiling around the windows, to tie in with the other buildings. Given the tight timeframe, Stephen Gore, Business Development Manager for Fassa across the West of the UK, specified a through colour render which would eliminate the need for paint coats. Fassacouche in Rognes was used to give the building a warm yellow hue, with Fassacouche Bianchissimo (Extra White) then used to add the contrasting window bands. This was then finished with a protection coat of the IS 510 clear sealer.
Stephen adds: ‘It’s wonderful to showcase the potential of Fassacouche so applicators and specifiers can see how perfectly suited it is, particularly on coastal restorations. It’s obvious to see why it’s such a popular choice – it’s quick and easy to use, has excellent yield and, if applied correctly, the final outcome is stunning. With this powerful enhancement, TY Belgrave House now looks the part on Aberystwyth’s wonderfully vibrant promenade.’