Fassa for culture
A company that builds culture
Fassa has always believed in supporting and promoting culture and respect for the environment. A commitment confirmed by the numerous initiatives promoted by the company, such as the International Prize for Sustainable Architecture and the Domus International Restoration and Preservation Prize, both in collaboration with Ferrara University Architecture Faculty. Alongside these activities, the company also has a tradition of successful sponsorship which over the years has included restoration of the frescoes in the Palazzo dei Trecento and wall paintings in a number of shops in Via dell'Abbondanza in Pompei. This in collaboration with the local Superintendency of Archaeology and Ferrara University Architecture Faculty, as well as the partnership with Venice City Council from 2006 to 2010. Particularly prestigious was Fassa Bortolo's contribution to restoration of a number of plaster statues by Antonio Canova, principally the statue of the Dancer with Cymbals. The company, in fact, supported the major joint project between the Canova Foundation of Possagno in the province of Treviso and Berlin's Boden Museum, a reverse engineering operation that brought the Dancer back to its original splendour.
→ Domus Restoration Prize
→ Sustainable Architecture Prize
→ Canova Restoration Press Release