How to install Fassatherm Mechanical Plus
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to install the Fassatherm Mechanical Plus cycle.
How to install Fassatherm Basic Classic
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to install the Fassatherm Basic Classic cycle.
How to install Fassatherm Frame Plus
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to install the Fassatherm Frame Plus cycle.
How to install Fassatherm Frame Classic Brick
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to install the Fassatherm Frame Classic Brick cycle.
Fassa Bortolo: about us
Quality, respect for the environment and for people: our values narrated by the voice of the President Paolo Fassa.
Integrated System
Fassa Bortolo: a integrated partner for the supply of building materials, training and technical assistance.
There’s something special about FASSA BORTOLO products
Passion, ambition and foresight lead us to interpret the needs of building and man.
International Prize Sustainable Architecture 2020
A prize created to enhance the contribution of recent graduates and university research on the development of a sustainable design culture.
International DOMUS Award Restoration and Preservation 2019
A prestigious award to highlight architectural restorations where conservation principles and contemporary forms of expression meet
Fassatherm® ETICS
A solution with many advantages: comfort, protection and durability.
Paint System
The right colour for every environment: a wide range of technical products for exteriors and interiors.
SFIDE D’ARTE - Ricordi
Watch the backstage of our decorative line Ricordi by Sfide d'arte.
Fassarend top coats
Discover the wide range of Fassarend top coats available to create a scratch render finish.
Rendering on painted surfaces (mineral paint, absorbent)
Two cycles for rendering on painted surfaces: one with an acrylic siloxane finish and one with a bio mineral-based finish. Cycles 7A - 7B.
Rendering on painted surfaces (non-absorbent paint)
Two cycles for rendering on painted surfaces: one with an acrylic siloxane finish and one with a bio mineral-based finish. Cycles 6A - 6B
How to apply Fassarend Cycle 5B onto render carrier board
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to apply Fassarend cycle 5B, uses fiberglass-reinforced cement boards and finished with Bio Mineral-Base coat.
How to apply Fassarend Cycle 5A onto render carrier board
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to apply Fassarend cycle 5A, uses fiberglass-reinforced cement boards and finished with an Acrylic-Siloxane coat.
How to apply Fassarend Cycle 3D onto brickwork
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to apply Fassarend cycle 3D onto brickwork with a through colour render.
How to apply Fassarend cycle 3C onto brickwork
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to apply Fassarend cycle 3C onto brickwork with an acrylic siloxane finish.
How to apply Fassarend cycle 3B onto brickwork
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to apply Fassarend cycle 3B onto brickwork with a bio-mineral based render.
How to apply Fassarend Cycle 3A onto brickwork
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to apply Fassarend cycle 3A onto brickwork with a smooth painted finish.
How to apply Fassarend Cycle 2D onto medium dense blockwork
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to apply Fassarend cycle 2D, onto medium dense blockwork (7.3 kN) with an Acrylic-Siloxane finish.
How to apply Fassarend Cycle 2C onto medium dense blockwork
In this video, our applicator demonstrates how to apply Fassarend cycle 2C, onto medium dense blockwork (7.3 kN) with an Acrylic-Siloxane finish (textured).
How to apply Fassarend Cycle 2B onto medium dense blockwork
how to apply Fassarend cycle 2B, onto medium dense blockwork (7.3 kN) with a lime mineral finish.
How to apply Fassarend Cycle 2A onto medium dense blockwork
how to apply Fassarend cycle 2A, onto medium dense blockwork (7.3 kN) with a cement base coat render and painted finish.